Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Little boy in uniform

It has been 1 and a half months since Gerald started in his new school. He is adapting well and can tell me the names of his new friends. The new school has a indoor gym and he looks forward to the twice weekly sessions. Most days, he will say YES when we ask him if he wants to go to school. But he has to wake up really early now to catch the school bus and he will always whine in the morning and complain for headaches and tummyaches. But once he has woken up fully and gotten up the bus, he really seems to enjoy school.

At the void deck waiting for the school bus. See... everything is still dark.

I will usually take him downstairs and see him up the bus before going to work. This pic is taken by Gerald. =)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Braces for Daddy

Daddy is bothered by some growing gaps in his teeth and decided to go for braces, even though he is an old man in terms of getting braces done. Aunty Sharon was very nice to him and did not tighten them too much so he could still eat almost everything.



Daddy's favourite past time now is brushing his teeth!